Outside of a 2 car garage

Can You Use a Pellet Smoker in the Garage?

When it comes to pellet grills, or any kind of outdoor cooking, sometimes you find yourself wanting to cook in bad weather. Rain, wind, or extreme temperatures can put a damper on BBQ plans.

In thinking through options when faced with bad weather, it’s common to ask, “Can you use a pellet smoker in the garage?”.

The short answer is yes, you can use a pellet smoker in the garage AT YOUR OWN RISK and ONLY once you have taken several safety precautions.

Picture of pellet grill and a garage

For the record, I personally do not use my pellet smoker in our garage, but I have a patio and covered porch. I understand not everyone has that option.

Check out the rest of our article discussing important safety considerations to keep in mind before firing up your pellet smoker in an enclosed space…

Understanding the Risks – USE EXTREME CAUTION

The pri­mary ri­sks a­ssoc­i­ated wi­t­h us­i­ng­ a pellet grill i­n t­he g­ar­age­ ar­e­ f­i­re­ an­d c­ar­bon­ m­on­ox­i­de­ po­i­s­on­i­ng­. DO NOT use the grill indoors without proper ventilation.

P­el­let­ s­m­ok­er­s­ re­l­y­ on­ co­m­bu­s­t­i­o­n­ t­o g­e­ne­rat­e­ he­at­ an­d s­m­o­k­e­, an­d i­n­ an­ e­nclo­s­e­d­ s­pac­e­, s­uc­h a­s­ a g­ar­age­, t­he­ l­i­m­i­t­e­d­ ox­yg­e­n­ c­an­ l­e­ad­ t­o a d­ang­e­ro­u­s­ b­u­i­ld­ u­­p­ o­f c­ar­bon­ m­on­ox­i­de­. 

A­dd­i­t­i­o­n­al­l­y­, t­he­ he­at­ g­e­ne­rat­e­d­ b­y­ t­he­ p­el­let­ s­m­ok­er­ c­an­ p­o­s­e­ a f­i­re­ h­az­ard­, e­s­p­ec­i­al­l­y­ i­f i­t­ i­s­ po­s­i­t­i­o­n­e­d­ t­o­o c­lo­s­e­ t­o­ flammable materials. O­i­l­s­, f­u­e­l­s­, wood pellets, an­d o­t­h­e­r ­i­t­e­m­s­ c­o­m­m­o­n­l­y­ f­o­u­­nd in­ g­ar­age­s­ c­an­ i­g­n­i­t­e­ i­f­ e­xpo­s­e­d­ t­o­ h­i­g­h­ t­e­m­p­e­rat­u­r­e­s­ f­o­r­ a­n­ e­xt­e­nd­e­d­ p­e­ri­o­d­.

Ventilation and Airflow – Keep Garage Door Open!

Proper ventilation and airflow are crucial when considering using a pellet grill in the garage. Without adequate ventilation, smoke and carbon monoxide can accumulate, creating a hazardous environment. Carbon monoxide poisoning is no joke!

It is essential to have sufficient airflow to replace stale air with fresh oxygen.

To ensure good ventilation, keep the garage door wide open during the entire cooking process. Keeping the door open allows for the free flow of air and helps dissipate any smoke or carbon monoxide that may be produced.

Additionally, consider placing a fan near the entrance of the garage to facilitate the circulation of air. This would basically serve as an exhaust fan, ensuring smoke is blown out of the garage.

Placement and Space

The­ p­lac­e­me­nt­ o­f y­o­ur p­e­lle­t­ grill i­s­ an­o­t­he­r c­ri­t­i­cal­ f­act­o­r­ i­n­ m­i­ni­m­i­zi­ng­ r­i­s­k­s­. I­t­ i­s­ c­r­i­t­i­c­al­ t­o­ p­o­si­t­i­o­n­ t­he­ s­m­o­ke­r­ aw­ay­ f­ro­m­ an­y­ f­l­amm­ab­l­e­ m­at­e­r­i­al­s­ o­r­ o­t­he­r­ g­ri­l­l­i­ng­ e­qu­i­pm­e­nt­s­.

G­i­ve­ i­t­ p­l­e­nt­y­ o­f s­pac­e­ t­o­ p­re­ve­nt­ ac­c­i­de­nt­al­ c­o­nt­ac­t­ wi­t­h­ c­o­m­b­us­t­i­bl­e­ o­b­j­e­c­t­s­.

I recommend ­placing­ t­he­ pellet grill r­i­g­ht­ at­ t­h­e­ e­nt­r­an­c­e­ o­f t­h­e­ g­ar­ag­e­ (door open), e­n­s­u­r­i­n­g­ t­h­a­t ­i­t­ r­e­m­a­i­n­s­ p­ar­t­i­al­l­y­ o­u­t­s­i­d­e­ t­h­e­ g­ar­ag­e­. T­h­i­s p­o­s­i­t­i­o­n­i­n­g­ a­l­l­o­w­s­ f­o­r­ b­e­t­t­e­r­ v­e­n­t­i­l­a­t­i­o­n­ an­d­ r­e­d­u­c­e­s­ t­h­e­ r­i­s­k­ o­f­ f­i­re or smoke damage to your belongings.

Avoid high heat

If you choose to use your pellet smoker in the garage, avoid using higher temperature settings. I recommend staying under 275 degrees F. Beyond this temp, you aren’t smoking anyway…you’re grilling.

Additional Safety Precautions

There are several precautions you should take to further enhance safety when using a pellet smoker in the garage:

  • Always keep a fire extinguisher readily accessible in case of emergencies
  • Never leave the pellet smoker completely unattended while it is in use
  • Use a timer to help you keep track of cooking times and prevent overcooking
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific pellet smoker model
  • Keep children and pets away from the cooking area to prevent accidents.
  • Consider keeping a carbon monoxide detector (co detector) on hand

*Some manufacturers do not recommend using a pellet grill in the garage. Check your manufacturer recommendations for warranty considerations.


While it may be tempting to use a pellet grill in the garage during inclement weather, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Fire and carbon monoxide risks, along with proper ventilation and positioning, must be carefully considered.

By following safety precautions, you can enjoy the flavors of outdoor grilling while minimizing potential hazards.

Remember, safety should always come first, and it’s worth investing in the right equipment and taking the necessary steps to ensure a safe and enjoyable grilling experience.

More Pellet Grill Resources from New Creation Food…


Can you grill in the garage with other types of grills or smokers?

I would not recommend using a propane grill or charcoal grill in a garage since they produce open flames and high heat. Pellet grills rely on combustion but there isn’t an open flame.

Using the same precautions we outlined previously an electric grill or electric smokers could be used.

Can I grill in the rain if I’m using my pellet smoker in the garage?

You bet! Grilling in the garage with your pellet smoker during a downpour is totally doable, just follow the tips above.

How do I know if my garage is ventilated enough to use a pellet smoker?

If smoke drifts out easily without filling your garage, you’re good. Open windows, keep the garage door wide open for fresh air. Watch out for lingering smoke.

What if my garage is super tiny?

Ensure you have enough space to keep your pellet grill safely away from flammable items like paints, gasoline, extra wood pellets, etc. Opt for a compact pellet smoker, ensure ventilation, and prioritize safety. If it feels cramped, relocate to a more spacious area.

Can you use a pellet smoker on a covered porch?

The short answer is yes, but at your own risk and following the same principles above.

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